We can all read that the lockdown has been extended again. There is some easing, but for most of us – both privately and professionally – perseverance is still a must. With the tips at the end of the post, we at E2Ma have survived the lockdown so far. Perhaps one or the other idea will help you to persevere a little longer.
Our lockdown offer
We believe that it will soon be possible to lead a more normal life again. That is why we have put together an extra offer for all companies and especially for companies from the retail sector and the tourism, gastronomy, fitness, leisure and travel sectors, so that potential customers can return to your shop, hotel, city, studio, park or region or book a trip with you.
In April and May 2021 we are offering our stand-alone e-mail campaigns at particularly low prices:
Amount | CPM | CPM for retail, travel, gastronomy, fitness and tourism industries *) |
100.000 | € 7.00 | € 6.00 |
200.000 | € 6.00 | € 5.00 |
500.000 | € 5.00 | € 4.00 |
*) essential shops such as supermarkets, drugstores, pharmacies, etc. are excluded. |
If you do not have any advertising material available (we need an HTML email template), we will be happy to help you with the design. A standard HTML template, where you supply 3 images and your own text with a maximum of 400 words, currently costs only € 350 instead of the normal € 750.
We hope that with this we can make a contribution, albeit a small one, to keep your business moving forward and to keep you happy in your private life.
Have we piqued your interest? Then write by email to: vertrieb@e2ma.biz or call us on +49 40 663311.
E2Ma tips how to persevere in lockdown
As already announced above, we want to share our tips with you, which have made life a little easier for us and our families in the past few months. Take a look – maybe there is something for you too.
Activities for young and old children:
- Coloring templates: https://www.kinder-malvorlagen.com/
- Experiments: https://www.haus-der-kleinen-forscher.de/de/praxisanregungen/experimente-fuer-kinder
- Crafting templates: https://www.kribbelbunt.de/bastelvorlagen-zum-ausdrucken/
- Easter basket: https://babyduda.com/osterkoerbchen-malen-und-basteln-mit-vorlage-zum-ausschneiden/?cn-reloaded=1
- Origami-fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfTRhT6Weh0
- Escape rooms at home: https://locked-adventures.de/escape-rooms-fuer-zu-hause/
- Family catalog package: https://www.mein-kiosk.de/kataloge/familienpaket-2925
- Trial subscription for fitness workouts: https://www.lesmills.com/de/ondemand/
- Outdoor activities: https://www.geocaching.com/play
Culture online:
- German museum: https://virtualtour.deutsches-museum.de/
- International museums: https://www.geo.de/reisen/reisewissen/22736-rtkl-coronakrise-diese-museen-koennen-sie-virtuell-besuchen
Vacation in Germany:
- Germany vacation info package: https://www.mein-kiosk.de/kataloge/wellnessurlaub-infopaket-702
- Vacation in Bavaria info package: https://www.mein-kiosk.de/kataloge/urlaubsland-bayern-paket-2911
- Travel voucher sweepstake: https://www.reise-umfrage.com/?pid=900
Home-Office with taste:
- Probably the most delicious miracle balls: https://zartbitter-und-zuckersuess.de/energy-balls-kleine-wunderkugeln/
- Flowers around the desk: https://fraufriemel.de/makramee-blumenampel-selber-machen
- Lunch portions packed in an environmentally friendly way: https://yeah-handmade.de/diy-bienenwachstuecher-selber-machen-zwei-methoden/
On a culinary journey with grandma:
- Real Berlin potato salad: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/1231931228220006/Omas-echter-Berliner-Kartoffelsalat.html
- Grandma’s meatballs: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/819141186405890/Omas-beste-Frikadellen.html
- Grandma’s cabbage rolls: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/426431133556910/Omas-Kohlrouladen.html
Baking without baking:
- Raw vegan cake: https://www.smarticular.net/rohkosttorte-grundrezept-rezept-fruechte-kakao-nussmehl/
- Swedish apple cake: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/3012191454060606/Schwedische-Apfeltorte-ohne-Backen.html
- Amaretto mousse cheesecake: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/341881118159520/Amaretto-Mousse-Cheesecake-ohne-backen.html
- Fast cake pops: https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/2667521418759265/Schnelle-Cake-Pops-ohne-Backen.html
Do everything right when shopping online:
- Pay security: https://www.sicher-im-netz.de/sicher-einkaufen-und-bezahlen-im-netz
- Debunking scammers on ebay classifieds: https://www.techbook.de/easylife/web/so-entlarven-sie-betrueger-bei-ebay-kleinanzeigen
- PayPal rip-off: https://www.chip.de/news/Vorsicht-vor-fieser-PayPal-Abzocke-Tueckische-Masche-trifft-unvorsichtige-Nutzer-ab_182815122.html
Last but not least:
- What helps against the smell of garlic? https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Ernaehrung/Was-hilft-gegen-Knoblauchgeruch-59146.html
- Preventing the misuse of debit cards in the event of theft: So that the thief of your wallet can block the debit card himself, put a slip of paper with 3 incorrect PINs into it. The thief tries all three PINs on the machine and then the card is blocked.